‘You should respect me more.’
‘I am doing so much for you.’
The black eyes of the demon hurls under my eyeballs. Penetrating my skull, my blood splatters across the wall in the hallway. The angel on the other side cries out in a desperate wail. It tries to support my body by pushing my ribs upwards.
‘If you expect the rest of my life to respond to everything with infallible precision, you are wrong because I am human, not a robot, but if you devalue all the effort and attention I have towards you, always trying to be by your side, you are not having respect for me and that doesn’t seem like the way to go.’
The entity has crushed my skull. I walked towards the door with a skeleton mutilated, without any sense of orientation. I entered the room. The walls filled with despair; the black matter surrounding the area created a vacuum, a space without air. What has remained of my chest hardened even tighter. I sat down and stared at the screen. The demon screeched in front of me emerging from the walls around me.
My eyes rolling upwards, my iris disappeared. They’re winning. I am losing the control. There is no help. I can’t see the way. I need help.
The demon moved closer to me its mouth opened to a wide-streched grin. It whispered straight into my mind.
‘His love, is built on conditions.’
‘You.’ — it grinned even wider than before.
‘And you are a trade.’
‘You’ll always remain stuck between the mortal world and the realm of shadows. You belong neither to the dead or the living.’
Burning by the fire of all hells and tempted by the light of the heavens, I stand as a being, a halfling, cast out from eternity, fallen deep-pit, slipped through the cracks of the samsara.
Halfling, behold thee, the life lived in the shadow of death.