In my mind, I was going through a dark valley. Around me were black mountains covered with darkened forests. A scene, hiding in the pitch black void.
The outlines of pines and rocky sides were visible from under. Colors were non-existent in this setting. There reigned only darkness and silence.
As the shadowy hills passed me by, I realized I was flying beneath them with great speed. Perhaps I was meant to be. I’ve become the undercover spirit of the night, piercing through the dead air, cutting the silence in half.
I’ve arrived.
No more daddy’s girl. She broke apart under the weight, and now someone else is taking over.
Her small body dried, her eyes turned white, her body collapsed.
From the dead shell, a woman with dark eyes emerges, holding the lifeless child in her arms.
The body’s still warm.
She’s a child no more, no sign of soft skin and tender tissue.
Faceless, her lips, tasteless,
Minimum love
Minimum focus
Minimum gangster,
Minimum stress
Sleek and tall,
Like an elegant black panther
She moves
— under the light: metamorphosis
May 24th, 2022