Come now child, he pleaded
For your time has come,
He said, heeded.
The sweet return of your master,
Faceless pale, he coincides
In this place of dead light,
Here on after.
Open the portal, step forth,
See the wisdom, rotting
You’ve mistaken it for brains,
For just grains of chains.
I have never left, your soul asleep,
The great awakening
The desperate race of the weak.
Your jaw snaps,
For the fangs are monstrous
Fleeting human heart, it shatters,
Deep-rooted from the inside.
Darkness has risen anew,
Challenging the burning sun
Apart a while, but never removed,
From the sum.
He wails and growls,
His fangs dripping, I can hear
The night, his arms
On dark wines, I’m tripping.
A new-skinned predator
Preparing to hunt,
Alone in the wilderness
Looking for a brunt.
His hands, the grip of death,
Swirled around my neck
As he drags me around,
The night turns red.
The air has solidified,
I breathe in the blood
Of the past ripping the present
Wide-side apart.
Even when you leave,
He shall be by my side
The dark has embedded himself
In the midst of my life.
Quiet rain falls,
Darken liquid, the acid burns
On the skin, it opens,
Wounds of reeking hells.